12 Weeks
The COVID-19 outbreak is a reminder that we all have a shared future. Unfortunately, this outbreak has brought out latent racism and xenophobia against people of certain ethnic backgrounds. We also saw the rise of hate speech and the targeting of vulnerable groups, indicating that the outbreak has a disproportionate effect on certain communities.
The random selection of tangled and intertwined photographic images of humans represent the unstable, unpleasant and unnatural circumstances we are all faced with. They depict a constrained physical space we are forced to live in while our movements are regulated and discomforts are silenced. A basic and simple technique of cutting and gluing paper images also reflect a basic lifestyle and simple routine we are forced to adapt to during the lockdown.
COVID-19 virus does not discriminate, but its impacts do. We each have a moral and social responsibility to be mindful of the stories that we engage with, and to make efforts to promote a culture of kindness, tolerance and trust during this pandemic and thereafter. It is time for solidarity and hope. We are all in this together.
Week 2 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm
Week 3 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm
Week 4 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm
Week 5 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm
Week 7 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm
Week 9 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm
Week 10 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm
Week 12 / 2020 / Photomontage on Paper / 29.7 x 21 cm